
Devin wanted a brighter, whiter, and gorgeous smile. He used to walk around embarrassed of his smile because of all the gaps between his teeth and the old dark stained discoloration. He didn’t want to get braces to close all his spaces. He wanted prepless lumineers because he didn’t have to get any shots and is a quicker treatment. We were able to complete these procedures with 2 simple painless visits. His new smile improved his overall self-confidence. Now he has the confidence he always wanted. He can smile easily and loves to show his new dazzling, brighter, and whiter smile.

  • Bad Bite
  • Discolored Teeth
  • Midline Off
  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Short Small Teeth
  • Spaces Between Teeth
  • Teeth Not Proportional
  • Uneven Smile
  • Worn-Out Smile
  • Cerinate Lumineeers
devin b. before
devin b. after

Slide the blue tab to the left or right to view the before and after images.

This actual patient received a customized smile makeover from Dr. Michael J. Wei. The changes to the patient's teeth were designed specifically to correct their unique oral health complaints. Photos are not altered in any way.