Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and eliminate all that extra gum tissue that demands so much attention in your mouth, takes over in every photo, dominates your smile? With two easy and sophisticated cosmetic dentistry treatments, you can get rid of your gummy smile and have a gorgeous, flawless smile makeover that looks completely natural.
Say Goodbye to Excess Gum Tissue
Laser gum recontouring, also known as a laser gum lift, is a sophisticated treatment that eliminates excess gum tissue by trimming, reshaping, and recontouring the gums. The procedure is simple, minimally invasive, and can be completed in just about 30 minutes at your Midtown cosmetic dentist’s office.
For the squeamish patients, know that only a local anesthetic is necessary for prep – most patients experience zero pain during the treatment and recovery and healing time is usually complete within hours.
Causes of a Gummy Smile
There are many possible reasons for a gummy smile:
- Poor tooth eruption: Adult teeth erupted poorly and remain partially covered by gum tissue, making them look short.
- Gingivitis: Gum overgrowth, also known as gingival hypertrophy or gingival enlargement, is a side effect of gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease with a hallmark of swollen, inflamed gums.
- Lip size: An upper is too short, hypermobile, or goes up too high when smiling, hyperactive, showing more gum tissue.
- Overgrown jaw: If the upper jaw is overgrown, it can cause vertical maxillary excess, otherwise known as bulging gums.
- DNA: Sometimes a gummy smile is simply in your DNA.
Unless it is a complication of gum disease, there is nothing inherently wrong with a gummy smile. You can live with it and rock it or do something about it with the help of your NYC cosmetic dentist. Perception is everything when it comes to this smile characteristic, so decide what you can live with and what you want to change – your dentist will help you get the smile you want whatever you decide.
Say Hello to Flawless Teeth
Many NYC laser gum patients combine their gum lift with another transformative cosmetic dentistry treatment – porcelain veneers – for a major smile makeover. The elimination of excessive gingival tissue is powerful alone; combine it with customized veneers and your smile will be stunning in just two dental visits.
The patients who opt for gum recontouring and veneers are usually those who have been living with short teeth. They don’t want to look childlike anymore. They don’t want a tiny, narrow smile. They want gorgeous, live-out-loud teeth that make them look like a VIP. These two cosmetic dentistry treatments deliver, especially at the hands of an experienced Midtown dentist.
Embrace a Complete Smile Makeover
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael J. Wei today at his dental office in Midtown Manhattan to learn more about laser gum lift and the many types of porcelain veneers available to you.