Does Your Mouth Hurt? Fix It with Full-Mouth Reconstruction

full-mouth reconstruction dr michael j wei midtown manhattan worn out teethYou know when your smile and teeth aren’t all that they could be. There is a difference, though, between an unattractive smile and a worn-out one. Your teeth might be white and straight, but your oral health overall may cause you some serious discomfort. Full-mouth reconstruction could be the answer.

Signs of Worn-Out Teeth

The term “worn-out teeth” has many definitions, and it will be subjective for every patient. The patients who qualify for full-mouth reconstruction are typically dealing with one or more of the following problems:

  • Tooth pain: Tooth pain is one of the most intense pains you can experience, and it will only get worse if ignored. The discomfort could be a sign of infection or tooth decay, but it may also be caused by teeth grinding or chronic clenching, which then puts you at risk of developing gum recession, worn tooth enamel, and more.
  • Mouth or jaw pain: If the structure of your mouth is causing you pain, that’s incredibly difficult to live with. Chronic jaw pain might indicate that you have a TMJ problem, or that the anatomy of your mouth isn’t quite right.
  • Worn tooth enamel: Aging and use can wear down tooth enamel, even if you take excellent care of your oral health. If you have weak or thin tooth enamel and add in a tendency to grind or clench your teeth, you’re more susceptible to worn tooth enamel.
  • Difficulty eating: When you are challenged by the basic functions of biting and chewing, whether you experience pain or worry that your teeth will shift or fall out in the process, you could be suffering from gum disease.
  • Damaged teeth: If you have teeth that are broken or chipped, you may be tempted to see the problem as merely an aesthetic one, but it’s not. Over time, those damaged teeth can let in bacteria and food particles, making you far more likely to develop an infection or abscess.

Solutions for Worn-Out Teeth

Full-mouth reconstruction is not one procedure but many. You may only need one procedure to get your teeth, gums, and mouth back into healthy, working order, or you may be a better candidate for several procedures.

Here are some of the most common restorative dentistry solutions used to fix painful, worn-out teeth:

  • Gum disease treatment: Periodontal treatment cleans up gums that are bleeding, swollen, inflamed, and infected so you don’t lose more teeth and can start over with dental restorations and cosmetic dentistry.
  • Dental implants: Implants are the permanent replacement for a worn tooth that must be extracted or a tooth that has been lost because of gum disease.
  • TMJ treatment: Neuromuscular treatment can ease the pain caused by a TMJ problem and minimize the teeth grinding and clenching from a bite that is out of whack.
  • Tooth extraction: If you have a tooth that hurts, it could be so compromised that even root canal therapy won’t be the most effective solution. Tooth extraction may be the best solution, followed eventually by a dental implant.

Once the functional element of worn-out teeth has been corrected, and you are no longer experiencing discomfort because of oral health problems, cosmetic dentistry treatments can be introduced to your smile makeover so you can have a flawless smile. Porcelain veneers, dental bonding, teeth whitening, and tooth-colored fillings are just some of the options for your new smile.

Contact Dr. Michael J. Wei to schedule an appointment at his Midtown Manhattan dental office on Madison Avenue and talk about solutions for your worn-out smile.