How a smile builds confidence

Manhattan Smile MakeoverHas anyone ever told you that you should smile more? In today’s society, that suggestion is often thought of as a misogynist demand that should readily be stomped and shattered. But in reality, doing so is actually to your advantage. According to one study, 81% of Americans dislike how they look in pictures due to their smile, and 42% of Americans insist their smile is the one thing they’d change about themselves if they had the opportunity. While someone’s teeth or smile may seem fine to others, the self-perception of being “ugly” or otherwise having a less attractive smile than their peers can be enough to hide their own smile indefinitely. A Manhattan Smile Makeover can help rebuild your confidence.


Dull Teeth Are Debbie Downers

Visible dental issues can be as simple as stained or discolored teeth, involve decay and cavities, and include misaligned or even missing teeth. While those may not be instant signs that something else is going on in the body, halitosis and gum disease are often symptoms of bodily disease. Yet if all you see in the mirror are your flaws, you’re not going to feel very happy about life in general. That lack of enthusiasm may even cause you to shy away from others and potential opportunities as they arise to avoid self-perceived embarrassment. This is especially problematic when it occurs in childhood since the extreme introverted behaviors tend to extend into adulthood. While there’s nothing wrong with being shy or a loner to a point, refusing to smile can lead to serious depression and other mental conditions. On the other hand, correcting even simple dental issues can lift your spirits enough to help you tackle whatever life drops in your lap.


Confidence Is a Smile Away

According to research, even faking a smile can trick the brain into thinking you’re happy and genuine laughter is linked to multiple health improvements. And just smiling more often can increase your confidence. Charles Darwin first noted the amazing properties related to smiling since the manifestations are universally instinctual, whereas other bodily behaviors seem to be learned or taught. The act of smiling releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin which all work together to give your brain a natural high. Though this specific claim is likely way off base, Ron Gutman, founder of HealthTap, insists that a single smile can stimulate the brain as much as eating 2000 chocolate bars.

Your Smile Opens Doors

Your smile is contagious. Multiple studies have shown that, like a yawn, when people see someone smile they respond with one of their own. This is especially beneficial in social, romantic, and business encounters or situations where first impressions are often crucial. Smiling lets others know you’re friendly and approachable, not to mention gives the impression that you’re trustworthy and more successful. Smiling can also not only make you look younger but thinner as well. So ditch the newest fad diet or miracle pills “guaranteed” to help you shed 40 pounds in a week and turn on the smile. Give us a call today to schedule your Manhattan Smile Makeover.