However you define “Big Brother” – a reality TV show, the government, your boss, society – if you feel hemmed and under scrutiny because of your appearance, it’s time for a little self-reflection. Is it your teeth that are making you feel like you’re not in control of your life? Is it your smile that’s making you feel insecure? It may be time to break out of the box with a smile makeover.
Get Street Cred with Cosmetic Dentistry
Feeling self-conscious is upsetting and uncomfortable. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to immediately improve the circumstances that have created this perception – you really do have a pimple on your chin, a bandage on your forehead, a muffin top around your waist, wrinkles on your neck. Sometimes you can do a lot to change the present, especially if your teeth are the thing under the microscope.
If you need to make a change in your smile immediately, there are several cosmetic dentistry procedures that can improve your teeth and instantly give you confidence:
- Teeth whitening: Professional teeth whitening is still one of the fastest ways to upgrade your smile. The powerful whitening products bleach teeth into a stunning, white state, making you feel like your teeth are perfect, even if they are still crooked or gapped or otherwise imperfect.
- Cosmetic tooth bonding: You’re convinced that chipped tooth is hurting your chances at work, at love, at first impressions. A cosmetic tooth bonding treatment can repair damaged teeth in about 30 minutes.
- Porcelain veneers: If you’re ready to make a bold move when it comes to beating Big Brother, porcelain veneers are the number one choice. You can recreate your entire appearance, even if nothing else changes but your smile. Veneers perfect your teeth in every way and create natural-looking teeth that make you feel confident and happy.
Take Charge of Your Smile
Not wanting to smile because you’re ashamed of your teeth is a depressing state of being. Plenty of things might make you happy, and your gut response to something may be to smile wide, but if you have the urge to check yourself before you reveal your teeth, that’s a sign that your teeth need an upgrade.
When you have the sense that you’re being judged because of the condition of your teeth and gums, when you feel like the first thing people see when they look at you is your broken-down teeth, a smile makeover can get you to a healthy place, both functionally and cosmetically, whether you’re choosing cosmetic dentistry or restorative dentistry or a little bit of both.
It’s time to beat Big Brother. Improve your powers of persuasion, boost your charm, make others believe in you and what you have to say – all these things can happen when you have great teeth and a quick, genuine smile.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Michael J. Wei on Madison Avenue in Midtown. You’re the one in charge of yourself and, if your smile needs a makeover, you’re the one to make it happen – just make the right moves.